Lunchbox care 101: The art of keeping it clean

We all know that lunchboxes and food containers are our trusty sidekicks, holding our meals and snacks. But here’s the twist: without proper cleaning, they can turn into a smelly breeding ground for mold and bacteria.

Let’s explore Lunchbox care 101 the art of keeping it clean for a pristine and safe way to hold your tasty treats.

Lunchbox Care 101: The Art of Keeping it Cleantwo lunch boxes fulled with yummy lunch, a sandwich, grapes and some vegi's

Lunchbox Care 101 the art of keeping it clean

When Fresh Goes Funky: The Lunchbox Journey

đź—¸ Odor Invasion: A neglected lunchbox can become the kingdom of odors. Ever opened one to find a not-so-pleasant surprise lurking inside? We’ve all been there, and it’s not a great welcome to mealtime.

đź—¸ Mold Mayhem: Skipping regular cleaning can lead to uninvited mold setting up camp. Spoiled sandwiches? No thanks!

đź—¸ Bacteria Bash: Without proper attention, your lunchbox can become a playground for bacteria, making it a less-than-ideal dining companion.

The Marvel of Clean Eating: Food Grade Care

đź—¸ Safety First: Opting for a food grade cleaner is more than just smart; it’s essential. You don’t want any lingering residues from cleaning products mixing with your nourishing meals.

đź—¸ Introducing EarthSential: Say hello to EarthSential’s Lemongrass All Purpose Cleaner—the epitome of safety. It’s your food guardian, crafted from 100% natural, plant-based ingredients.

Lunchbox Care 101:  A Step-by-Step

1. Empty and Disassemble:

Start by emptying your lunchbox or food container and disassembling any removable parts.

2. Dampen Cloth:

Use a cloth dampened with EarthSential’s Lemongrass All Purpose Cleaner.

3. Wipe and Rinse:

Gently wipe down the interior with the damp cloth, ensuring every nook and cranny gets some attention.

4. Rinse and Dry:

Give your lunchbox or container a thorough rinse to remove any traces of cleaner. Dry it completely before packing your next meal.

5. Feast with Confidence:

With a fresh and clean lunchbox, your meals stay as delightful as they should—untouched by odor, mold, or unwanted bacteria.

a clean white metal lunchbox, Lunchbox Care 101: The Art of Keeping it Clean

For Food Safe Freshness, Embrace EarthSential

Say goodbye to lunchbox mysteries and hello to a world of freshness. With EarthSential, you’re not only armed with the safest cleaner, but also with the confidence that every bite is as pure as it should be.

So go ahead, pack your lunchbox with enthusiasm, knowing that every meal will be a treat, both for your taste buds and your well-being. Your food deserves it, and so do you!

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lemongrass cleaner

Revive your home’s ambiance with the revitalizing scent of lemongrass, creating an uplifting atmosphere as you clean.

All Natural & Plant-based Ingredients 

Cleans, degreases, deodorizes, removes stains & aromatherapy benefits



Achieve a sparkling clean with the invigorating and refreshing scent of mint, creating a clean and fresh atmosphere in every room.

All Natural & Plant-based Ingredients

Cleans, degreases, deodorizes, removes stains & aromatherapy benefits.

Lavender Oil

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Refresh your home with the gentle floral notes of lavender while enjoying its natural cleaning properties.

All Natural & Plant-based Ingredients

Cleans, degreases, deodorizes, removes stains & aromatherapy benefits

Clove Oil Cleaner

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Unleash the warm and aromatic power of clove oil for a naturally effective cleaning experience.

All Natural & Plant based-ingredients

Cleans, degreases, deodorizes, removes stains & aromatherapy benefits


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Let the zingy and uplifting aroma of citrus rejuvenate your space as this cleaner tackles dirt and grime effectively.

All Natural & Plant-based Ingredients

Cleans, degreases, deodorizes, removes stains & aromatherapy benefits.

Essential Oil


All Purpose Cleaners:

Each designed to bring a touch of natural freshness and cleaning power to your home.

Available in: Clove, Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint & Orange. 

All Purpose cleaners ,perfect for kitchen and bathroom counters, floors, furniture, and even pet items. With powerful cleaning abilities, they effectively remove stains and dirt, leaving surfaces sparkling clean.

We prioritize your well-being and the health of our planet.

That’s why our products are carefully crafted to be non-toxic, ensuring a safe and healthy cleaning experience for you and your family.

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