Carpet Shampoo and Spot Remover

Gentle Cleaning, Powerful Results


Carpet shampoo and spot remover spray cleaner

Carpet Shampoo and Spot Remover

Elevate your Carpet Care Routine

Our Carpet Shampoo and Spot Remover is specially crafted to revitalize your carpets while being gentle on fabrics and safe for your family and pets. Featuring advanced enzymatic powers and live probiotics, our non-toxic formula offers continuous action, effectively breaking down tough stains like urine, vomit, and feces. With its color-safe ingredients, you can trust it to leave no bleeding or running on fabrics, making it suitable for all types, including wool and nylon. Experience the freshness as it neutralizes and eliminates odors, effortlessly removing everyday stains like red wine and greasy food.


All Natural Carpet Shampoo and Spot Remover Benefits:

Gentle on Fabrics

Our all-natural formula is gentle on fabrics, ensuring that your carpets maintain their softness and texture after cleaning.

Safe for Family and Pets

Free from harsh chemicals, the carpet shampoo and spot remover is safe for use around your family and pets, minimizing the risk of exposure to harmful substances.

Advanced Enzymatic Powers

Featuring advanced enzymatic powers, the formula effectively breaks down tough stains like urine, vomit, and feces, leaving your carpets clean and fresh.

Continuous Action

Our non-toxic formula offers continuous action, ensuring that stains are thoroughly treated and removed with each application.

Color-Safe Ingredients

With color-safe ingredients, you can trust our carpet shampoo and spot remover to leave no bleeding or running on fabrics, making it suitable for all types of carpets, including wool and nylon.

Neutralizes and Eliminates Odors

Experience freshness as our formula neutralizes and eliminates odors, leaving your carpets smelling clean and inviting.

wine stain removal from carpet with our carpet shampoo and spot remover

Effortlessly Removes Everyday Stains

From red wine spills to greasy food stains, the carpet shampoo and spot remover effortlessly removes everyday stains, restoring the beauty of your carpets.

Versatile Application:

In addition to carpets, our all-natural formula can be used on upholstery and rugs, offering versatile cleaning solutions for your home.

Step-by-step instructions on how to use our all carpet shampoo and spot remover

Preparation: Vacuum the carpet thoroughly to remove loose dirt and debris before applying the shampoo and spot remover. This helps ensure that the solution can penetrate deep into the fibers for effective cleaning.

Spot Treatment: For spot treatment, identify the stained areas on the carpet. Apply a small amount of the shampoo and spot remover directly to the stained area. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes to penetrate the stain.

Blotting: After allowing the solution to sit, gently blot the stained area with a clean, white cloth or paper towel. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can spread it further into the carpet fibers.

Rinsing: After blotting, rinse the treated area with clean water to remove any remaining residue from the carpet. Blot the area again with a dry cloth to absorb excess moisture.

Overall Cleaning: For overall carpet cleaning, dilute the shampoo and spot remover according to the instructions on the packaging. Use a carpet cleaning machine or apply the solution with a clean sponge or mop.

Cleaning Process: Work the diluted solution into the carpet using a back-and-forth motion, focusing on high-traffic areas and areas with stains. Allow the solution to sit for a few minutes to effectively break down dirt and stains.

Extraction or Blotting: If using a carpet cleaning machine, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for extraction. If cleaning by hand, use a clean, damp cloth to blot the carpet and remove excess solution.

Drying: Allow the carpet to air dry thoroughly before allowing foot traffic. Open windows or use fans to promote airflow and speed up the drying process.

Repeat as Necessary: For stubborn stains or heavily soiled areas, you may need to repeat the cleaning process. Be patient and persistent, as some stains may require multiple treatments for complete removal.

Enjoy Fresh, Clean Carpets: Once the carpet is dry, enjoy the fresh, clean appearance and aroma of your revitalized carpets. Regular maintenance and spot cleaning will help keep your carpets looking their best for years to come.

By following these instructions, you can effectively use the all-natural carpet shampoo and spot remover to maintain the cleanliness and freshness of your carpets while minimizing environmental impact and ensuring the safety of your family and pets.

carpet shampoo and spot remover

FAQ’s about our Carpet Shampoo and Spot Remover

Is the carpet shampoo and spot remover safe for use around children and pets? Absolutely. Our formula is crafted with all-natural ingredients, making it safe for use around your family and pets.

Can I use the carpet shampoo and spot remover on all types of carpets? Yes, our formula is suitable for use on all types of carpets, including wool and nylon. It’s designed to be gentle yet effective on a variety of fabric materials.

How does the enzymatic power work to remove tough stains? Our carpet shampoo and spot remover features advanced enzymatic powers that break down tough stains like urine, vomit, and feces at a molecular level, effectively removing them from the fabric.

Is the formula color-safe? Will it cause bleeding or running on fabrics? Our formula is specially formulated with color-safe ingredients to ensure that it does not cause bleeding or running on fabrics. You can trust it to preserve the color and integrity of your carpets.

How should I apply the carpet shampoo and spot remover for best results? For spot treatment, apply a small amount of the solution directly to the stained area and gently blot with a clean cloth. For overall carpet cleaning, dilute the solution according to the instructions and use with a carpet cleaning machine or by hand.

Does the carpet shampoo and spot remover leave any residue or sticky residue behind? No, our formula is designed to rinse clean, leaving behind no residue or sticky feeling on your carpets. Your carpets will feel soft and fresh after cleaning.

Can the carpet shampoo and spot remover be used on upholstery and rugs? Yes, the formula is versatile and can be used on upholstery and rugs as well, providing effective stain removal and refreshing properties.

How long does it take for the carpet to dry after using the shampoo and spot remover? Drying times may vary depending on factors such as humidity and ventilation. In general, carpets cleaned with our formula should dry within a few hours to overnight.

Can I use the carpet shampoo and spot remover in conjunction with other cleaning products? For best results, we recommend using the carpet shampoo and spot remover as directed. Using it in conjunction with other cleaning products may affect its effectiveness.

Gentle Cleaning, Powerful Results

Carpet shampoo and spot remover spray cleaner EarthSential’s All Natural Carpet Shampoo and Spot Remover Don’t wait any longer, your carpets are waiting! $21.99


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